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IFC Markets Online CFD Broker

Swap Conditions

When rolling a position over to a new value date (to "the next day"), an operation called Swap is performed – the company charges or pays a certain amount depending on the interest rate differential between the two currencies involved in transaction, on the direction of transaction and its volume.

Learn more about Swap Operations

IFC Markets offers its clients one of the best Swap conditions in the market, which will ensure the most comfortable maintenance of open positions even for a long period of time.

  • Swap is based on interbank interest rates

Swap Rates for Currency Pairs

In IFC Markets the position rollover mechanism works on the basis of overnight interbank market rates, at which banks lend to each other in overnight terms, that is with the most favorable conditions for the client. These rates are calculated daily by banking associations and may be available via news agencies.

Swap Rates for Precious Metals

IFC Markets offers unique Swap conditions not only for currency pairs, but for other groups of instruments as well, including Precious Metals.

Swap Rates for Index CFDs

IFC Markets offers preferential terms on Swap operations not only for currency pairs, but also for other instrument groups, including Index CFDs.

Swap Rates for Stock CFDs

Swap (Long/Short) - cost for rolling over the position to the new date (to the next day).

Swap Rates for Commodity CFDs

IFC Markets offers unique Swap conditions not only for currency pairs, but for other groups of instruments as well, including Commodity CFDs. A unique principle of interest-free borrowing of non-currency assets is applied to this group of instruments.

Swap Rates for Gold Instruments

For unique "Gold Instruments" preferential borrowing rates of corresponding assets are applied.

Swap for Personal composite instruments PCI

Personal composite instrument consists of assets for buy and assets for sell. Traders give each component (asset) an individual weight in the overall structure of the instrument. Hundreds of assets of various classes (currencies, precious metals, CFDs on Indices, Commodities and Stocks) are available for composing a PCI.

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