Meta Platforms Inc. Stock Price History | FB Historical Data | IFCM Iran
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Meta Platforms Inc. Stock Price History

Meta Platforms Inc. Historical Data

You can see 24 days of Meta Platforms Inc. stock price history to determine the stock opening price for each day, i.e. the price at which the stock first trades at the opening of the exchange on the trading day, the highest price of the day is the highest price traded during that period, and the lowest price is the lowest price traded during that period and the closing price, i.e. the last price at which Meta Platforms Inc. stock trades during a normal trading session. In the last column of the table you will see the percentage change - the ratio of today's closing price to the previous one.

About Facebook (Meta Platforms Inc.) Stocks

Meta Platforms, Inc. acts as a company representing social networks around the world. People use the Facebook app to stay connected with their friends and family, to find out what's going on in the world around them, and to share and express what's important to them with people they care about. Developers can use Facebook's platforms to create apps and websites that integrate with Facebook to find a global network of users and create customized and social products. Facebook, Inc was incorporated in 2004 and is headquartered in Menlo Park, California. Starting in 2021, the company began a rebranding process, which was completed in the fall of 2022 with a name change to Meta Platforms, Inc.

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